Uses of Interface

Packages that use ODE

Uses of ODE in math.numerics

Methods in math.numerics with parameters of type ODE
static ODEAdaptiveSolver ODEMultistepSolver.MultistepRK45(ODE ode)
          A factory method that creates a multisetp solver using the RK45 engine.

Constructors in math.numerics with parameters of type ODE
Euler(ODE _ode)
          Constructs the Euler ODESolver for a system of ordinary differential equations.
EulerRichardson(ODE _ode)
          Constructs the EulerRichardson ODESolver for a system of ordinary differential equations.
ODEBisectionEventSolver(ODE ode, java.lang.Class solverClass)
          Creates a new solver that uses the bisection method for finding the events.
ODEMultistepSolver(ODE ode)
          Constructs an ODEMultiStep ODE solver for a system of ordinary differential equations.
RK4(ODE _ode)
          Constructs the RK4 ODESolver for a system of ordinary differential equations.
RK45(ODE _ode)
          Constructs the RK45 ODESolver for a system of ordinary differential equations.
RK45MultiStep(ODE _ode)
          Constructs the RK45MultiStep ODESolver for a system of ordinary differential equations.
VelocityVerlet(ODE _ode)
          Constructs the VelocityVerlet ODESolver for a system of ordinary differential equations.
Verlet(ODE _ode)
          Constructs the VelocityVerlet ODESolver for a system of ordinary differential equations.