Uses of Class

Packages that use Mat3

Uses of Mat3 in ip.gui.frames

Methods in ip.gui.frames that return Mat3
 Mat3 XformFrame.infer3PointA(java.awt.Polygon sp, java.awt.Polygon dp)

Methods in ip.gui.frames with parameters of type Mat3
 void XformFrame.xform(Mat3 transform)
 void XformFrame.xformFeedback(Mat3 transform)

Uses of Mat3 in j2d

Methods in j2d with parameters of type Mat3
 void FloatImageBean.convertSpace(Mat3 m)

Uses of Mat3 in j2d.color

Methods in j2d.color that return Mat3
static Mat3 Ccir601_2cbcr.getCycbcr2rgbMat()
static Mat3 Ccir601_2cbcr.getRgb2cycbcrMat()
static Mat3 Xyzd65.getRgb2xyzMat()
static Mat3 Yiq.getRgb2yiqMat()
static Mat3 Yuv.getRgb2yuvMat()
static Mat3 Xyzd65.getXyz2rgbMat()
static Mat3 Yiq.getYiq2rgbMat()
static Mat3 Yuv.getYuv2rgbMat()

Constructors in j2d.color with parameters of type Mat3
FloatColorConverterInterface(Mat3 m)

Uses of Mat3 in math

Methods in math that return Mat3
 Mat3 Mat3.invert()
 Mat3 Mat3.multiply(Mat3 bmat3)
 Mat3 Mat3.transpose()

Methods in math with parameters of type Mat3
 Mat3 Mat3.multiply(Mat3 bmat3)