Uses of Class

Packages that use Gif89Frame   

Uses of Gif89Frame in

Subclasses of Gif89Frame in
 class DirectGif89Frame
          Instances of this Gif89Frame subclass are constructed from RGB image info, either in the form of an Image object or a pixel array.
 class IndexGif89Frame
          Instances of this Gif89Frame subclass are constructed from bitmaps in the form of color-index pixels, which accords with a GIF's native palettized color model.

Methods in that return Gif89Frame
 Gif89Frame Gif89Encoder.getFrameAt(int index)
          Get a reference back to a Gif89Frame object by position.

Methods in with parameters of type Gif89Frame
 void Gif89Encoder.addFrame(Gif89Frame gf)
          Add a Gif89Frame frame to the end of the internal sequence.
 void Gif89Encoder.insertFrame(int index, Gif89Frame gf)
          Like addFrame() except that the frame is inserted affineTransform a specific point in the sequence rather than appended.