Package j2d.gui

Class Summary
CameraConfigurationDialog Dialog box that enables selection of camera and video format from those cameras installed on the system.
ExponentialStretchToolbox A JInternalFrame containing controls for performing exponential stretching of an image's brightness.
FalseColorToolbox A JInternalFrame containing sliders for manipulating false colors added to an image.
ImagePanel This is a panel that displays an image.
InternalImageFrame MDI child frame for displaying an image
LinearMappingFrame A JInternalFrame containing controls for brightness and contrast adjustment.
MDIDesktopPane An extension of JDesktopPane that supports often used MDI functionality.
TransferableImage Wrapper class for copying image to system clipboard
VideoCaptureChildFrame MDI child frame for displaying a video preview
VideoCaptureFrame MDI child frame for displaying a video preview
WindowMenu Menu component that handles the functionality expected of a standard "Windows" menu for MDI applications.