Uses of Class

Packages that use Vector3d

Uses of Vector3d in graphics.raytracers.tracer

Methods in graphics.raytracers.tracer that return Vector3d
 Vector3d view.getAt()
 Vector3d view.getFrom()
 Vector3d view.getUp()

Methods in graphics.raytracers.tracer with parameters of type Vector3d
 void view.setAt(Vector3d at)
 void view.setFrom(Vector3d from)
 void view.setUp(Vector3d up)

Uses of Vector3d in graphics.raytracers.tracer.geometry

Methods in graphics.raytracers.tracer.geometry that return Vector3d
static Vector3d Vector3d.add(Vector3d a, Vector3d b)
static Vector3d Vector3d.adds(double s, Vector3d a, Vector3d b)
static Vector3d Vector3d.comb(double a, Vector3d A, double b, Vector3d B)
static Vector3d Vector3d.cross(Vector3d a, Vector3d b)
 Vector3d Ray3d.getDirection()
 Vector3d Ray3d.getStartPoint()
static Vector3d Vector3d.mult(Vector3d a, Vector3d b)
 Vector3d Ray3d.point(double t)
static Vector3d Vector3d.sub(Vector3d a, Vector3d b)

Methods in graphics.raytracers.tracer.geometry with parameters of type Vector3d
static Vector3d Vector3d.add(Vector3d a, Vector3d b)
static Vector3d Vector3d.adds(double s, Vector3d a, Vector3d b)
static Vector3d Vector3d.comb(double a, Vector3d A, double b, Vector3d B)
static Vector3d Vector3d.cross(Vector3d a, Vector3d b)
static double a, Vector3d b)
static Vector3d Vector3d.mult(Vector3d a, Vector3d b)
 void Ray3d.setDirection(Vector3d d)
 void Ray3d.setStartPoint(Vector3d p)
static Vector3d Vector3d.sub(Vector3d a, Vector3d b)

Constructors in graphics.raytracers.tracer.geometry with parameters of type Vector3d
Ray3d(Vector3d pnt, Vector3d dir)
Vector3d(Vector3d a)

Uses of Vector3d in graphics.raytracers.tracer.primatives

Fields in graphics.raytracers.tracer.primatives declared as Vector3d
 Vector3d Surface.color
 Vector3d Light.pos

Methods in graphics.raytracers.tracer.primatives that return Vector3d
 Vector3d Sphere.normal(Vector3d p)
abstract  Vector3d Primitive.normal(Vector3d pnt)

Methods in graphics.raytracers.tracer.primatives with parameters of type Vector3d
 Vector3d Sphere.normal(Vector3d p)
abstract  Vector3d Primitive.normal(Vector3d pnt)

Constructors in graphics.raytracers.tracer.primatives with parameters of type Vector3d
Sphere(Vector3d center, double radius)