Uses of Class

Packages that use ASTree

Uses of ASTree in classUtils.javassist.compiler

Methods in classUtils.javassist.compiler that return ASTree
 ASTree NoFieldException.getExpr()
 ASTree Parser.parseExpression(SymbolTable tbl)

Methods in classUtils.javassist.compiler with parameters of type ASTree
 void CodeGen.atArrayRead(ASTree array, ASTree index)
 void Javac.compileExpr(ASTree e)
          Compiles an exression.

Constructors in classUtils.javassist.compiler with parameters of type ASTree
NoFieldException(java.lang.String name, ASTree e)

Uses of ASTree in classUtils.javassist.compiler.ast

Subclasses of ASTree in classUtils.javassist.compiler.ast
 class AssignExpr
          Assignment expression.
 class ASTList
          A linked list.
 class BinExpr
          Binary expression.
 class CastExpr
          Cast expression.
 class CondExpr
          Conditional expression.
 class Declarator
          Variable declarator.
 class DoubleConst
          Double constant.
 class Expr
 class FieldDecl
 class InstanceOfExpr
          Instanceof expression.
 class IntConst
          Integer constant.
 class Keyword
 class Member
          Member name.
 class MethodDecl
 class NewExpr
          New Expression.
 class Pair
          A node of a a binary tree.
 class Stmnt
 class StringL
          String literal.
 class Symbol
 class Variable

Methods in classUtils.javassist.compiler.ast that return ASTree
 ASTree CondExpr.condExpr()
 ASTree CondExpr.elseExpr()
 ASTree FieldDecl.getInit()
 ASTree Declarator.getInitializer()
 ASTree NewExpr.getInitializer()
 ASTree Pair.getLeft()
 ASTree ASTList.getLeft()
 ASTree ASTree.getLeft()
 ASTree CastExpr.getOprand()
 ASTree Pair.getRight()
 ASTree ASTList.getRight()
 ASTree ASTree.getRight()
 ASTree ASTList.head()
          Returns the car part of the list.
 ASTree Expr.oprand1()
 ASTree Expr.oprand2()
 ASTree CondExpr.thenExpr()

Methods in classUtils.javassist.compiler.ast with parameters of type ASTree
static ASTList ASTList.append(ASTList a, ASTree b)
          Appends an object to a list.
static ASTList ASTList.make(ASTree e1, ASTree e2, ASTree e3)
static Stmnt Stmnt.make(int op, ASTree oprand1, ASTree oprand2)
static Expr Expr.make(int op, ASTree oprand1, ASTree oprand2)
static Stmnt Stmnt.make(int op, ASTree op1, ASTree op2, ASTree op3)
 Declarator Declarator.make(Symbol sym, int dim, ASTree init)
static AssignExpr AssignExpr.makeAssign(int op, ASTree oprand1, ASTree oprand2)
static BinExpr BinExpr.makeBin(int op, ASTree oprand1, ASTree oprand2)
static NewExpr NewExpr.makeObjectArray(ASTList className, ASTList arraySize, ASTree init)
 void ASTList.setHead(ASTree _head)
 void Pair.setLeft(ASTree _left)
 void ASTList.setLeft(ASTree _left)
 void ASTree.setLeft(ASTree _left)
 void Pair.setRight(ASTree _right)
 void ASTList.setRight(ASTree _right)
 void ASTree.setRight(ASTree _right)
 boolean ASTList.subst(ASTree newObj, ASTree oldObj)
          Substitutes newObj for oldObj in the list.

Constructors in classUtils.javassist.compiler.ast with parameters of type ASTree
AssignExpr(int op, ASTree _head, ASTList _tail)
ASTList(ASTree _head)
ASTList(ASTree _head, ASTList _tail)
BinExpr(int op, ASTree _head, ASTList _tail)
CastExpr(ASTList className, int dim, ASTree expr)
CastExpr(int type, int dim, ASTree expr)
CondExpr(ASTree cond, ASTree thenp, ASTree elsep)
Expr(int op, ASTree _head)
Expr(int op, ASTree _head, ASTList _tail)
FieldDecl(ASTree _head, ASTList _tail)
InstanceOfExpr(ASTList className, int dim, ASTree expr)
InstanceOfExpr(int type, int dim, ASTree expr)
MethodDecl(ASTree _head, ASTList _tail)
NewExpr(int type, ASTList arraySize, ASTree init)
Pair(ASTree _left, ASTree _right)
Stmnt(int op, ASTree _head)
Stmnt(int op, ASTree _head, ASTList _tail)