Uses of Class

Packages that use ASTList

Uses of ASTList in classUtils.javassist.compiler

Methods in classUtils.javassist.compiler that return ASTList
 ASTList Parser.parseMember(SymbolTable tbl)
 ASTList Parser.parseMember1(SymbolTable tbl)

Methods in classUtils.javassist.compiler with parameters of type ASTList
 void CodeGen.atASTList(ASTList n)
 void MemberCodeGen.atMethodArgs(ASTList args, int[] types, int[] dims, java.lang.String[] cnames)
 void JvstCodeGen.atMethodArgs(ASTList args, int[] types, int[] dims, java.lang.String[] cnames)
 int MemberCodeGen.atMethodArgsLength(ASTList args)
 int JvstCodeGen.atMethodArgsLength(ASTList args)
 void MemberCodeGen.atMethodCall2(CompileTimeClass targetClass, java.lang.String mname, ASTList args, boolean isStatic, boolean isSpecial)
 void ProceedHandler.doit(JvstCodeGen gen, Bytecode b, ASTList args)
static int MemberCodeGen.getModifiers(ASTList mods)
 boolean JvstCodeGen.isParamListName(ASTList args)
 CtField MemberCodeGen.lookupField(ASTList className, Symbol fieldName)

Uses of ASTList in classUtils.javassist.compiler.ast

Subclasses of ASTList in classUtils.javassist.compiler.ast
 class AssignExpr
          Assignment expression.
 class BinExpr
          Binary expression.
 class CastExpr
          Cast expression.
 class CondExpr
          Conditional expression.
 class Declarator
          Variable declarator.
 class Expr
 class FieldDecl
 class InstanceOfExpr
          Instanceof expression.
 class MethodDecl
 class NewExpr
          New Expression.
 class Stmnt

Methods in classUtils.javassist.compiler.ast that return ASTList
static ASTList ASTList.append(ASTList a, ASTree b)
          Appends an object to a list.
static ASTList ASTList.concat(ASTList a, ASTList b)
          Concatenates two lists.
 ASTList NewExpr.getArguments()
 ASTList NewExpr.getArraySize()
 ASTList CastExpr.getClassName()
 ASTList NewExpr.getClassName()
 ASTList FieldDecl.getModifiers()
 ASTList MethodDecl.getModifiers()
 ASTList MethodDecl.getParams()
 ASTList MethodDecl.getThrows()
static ASTList ASTList.make(ASTree e1, ASTree e2, ASTree e3)
 ASTList ASTList.sublist(int nth)
          Returns a sub list of the list.
 ASTList ASTList.tail()
          Returns the cdr part of the list.

Methods in classUtils.javassist.compiler.ast with parameters of type ASTList
static ASTList ASTList.append(ASTList a, ASTree b)
          Appends an object to a list.
static java.lang.String Declarator.astToClassName(ASTList name, char sep)
 void Visitor.atASTList(ASTList n)
static ASTList ASTList.concat(ASTList a, ASTList b)
          Concatenates two lists.
static int ASTList.length(ASTList list)
static NewExpr NewExpr.makeObjectArray(ASTList className, ASTList arraySize, ASTree init)
 void ASTList.setTail(ASTList _tail)

Constructors in classUtils.javassist.compiler.ast with parameters of type ASTList
AssignExpr(int op, ASTree _head, ASTList _tail)
ASTList(ASTree _head, ASTList _tail)
BinExpr(int op, ASTree _head, ASTList _tail)
CastExpr(ASTList className, int dim, ASTree expr)
Declarator(ASTList className, int dim)
Expr(int op, ASTree _head, ASTList _tail)
FieldDecl(ASTree _head, ASTList _tail)
InstanceOfExpr(ASTList className, int dim, ASTree expr)
MethodDecl(ASTree _head, ASTList _tail)
NewExpr(ASTList className, ASTList args)
NewExpr(int type, ASTList arraySize, ASTree init)
Stmnt(int op, ASTree _head, ASTList _tail)