Uses of Class

Packages that use NotFoundException
classUtils.javassist.bytecode Bytecode-level API. 
classUtils.javassist.expr This package contains the classes for modifying a method body. 
classUtils.javassist.reflect Runtime Reflection. 
classUtils.javassist.rmi Remote Method Invocation. 

Uses of NotFoundException in classUtils.javassist

Methods in classUtils.javassist that throw NotFoundException
static CtMethod CtNewMethod.abstractMethod(CompileTimeClass returnType, java.lang.String mname, CompileTimeClass[] parameters, CompileTimeClass[] exceptions, CompileTimeClass declaring)
          Creates a public abstract method.
 ClassPath ClassPool.appendClassPath(java.lang.String pathname)
          Appends a directory or a jar (or zip) file to the end of the search path.
 void ClassPool.appendPathList(java.lang.String pathlist)
          Appends directories and jar files for search.
static CtField.Initializer CtField.Initializer.byNewArray(CompileTimeClass type, int size)
          Makes an initializer creating a new array.
 void ClassPool.debugWriteFile(java.lang.String classname)
          Writes a class file specified with classname in the current directory.
 void ClassPool.debugWriteFile(java.lang.String classname, java.lang.String directoryName)
          Writes a class file specified with classname.
 CompileTimeClass ClassPool.get(java.lang.String classname)
          Reads a class file from the source and returns a reference to the CtClass object representing that class file.
 CompileTimeClass[] ClassPool.get(java.lang.String[] classnames)
          Reads class files from the source and returns an array of CtClass objects representing those class files.
 CompileTimeClass ClassPool.getAndRename(java.lang.String orgName, java.lang.String newName)
          Reads a class file and constructs a CtClass object with a new name.
 CompileTimeClass CompileTimeClass.getComponentType()
          If this object represents an array, this method returns the component type of the array.
 CtConstructor CompileTimeClass.getConstructor(java.lang.String desc)
          Returns the constructor with the given signature, which is represented by a character string called method descriptor.
 CtConstructor CompileTimeClass.getDeclaredConstructor(CompileTimeClass[] params)
          Returns a constructor receiving the specified parameters.
 CtField CompileTimeClass.getDeclaredField(java.lang.String name)
          Retrieves the field with the specified name among the fields declared in the class.
 CtMethod CompileTimeClass.getDeclaredMethod(java.lang.String name)
          Retrieves the method with the specified name among the methods declared in the class.
 CtMethod CompileTimeClass.getDeclaredMethod(java.lang.String name, CompileTimeClass[] params)
          Retrieves the method with the specified name and parameter types among the methods declared in the class.
 CompileTimeClass[] CtBehavior.getExceptionTypes()
          Obtains exceptions that this member may throw.
 CompileTimeClass[] CtConstructor.getExceptionTypes()
          Obtains exceptions that this constructor may throw.
 CompileTimeClass[] CtMethod.getExceptionTypes()
          Obtains exceptions that this method may throw.
 CtField CompileTimeClass.getField(java.lang.String name)
          Returns the field with the specified name.
 java.lang.String ClassPool.getFile(java.lang.String className)
 CompileTimeClass[] CompileTimeClass.getInterfaces()
          Obtains the class objects representing the interfaces of the class.
 CtMethod CompileTimeClass.getMethod(java.lang.String name, java.lang.String desc)
          Returns the method with the given name and signature.
 CtMethod ClassPool.getMethod(java.lang.String classname, java.lang.String methodname)
          Reads a class file and obtains a compile-time method.
 CompileTimeClass[] CtBehavior.getParameterTypes()
          Obtains parameter types of this member.
 CompileTimeClass[] CtConstructor.getParameterTypes()
          Obtains parameter types of this constructor.
 CompileTimeClass[] CtMethod.getParameterTypes()
          Obtains parameter types of this method.
 CompileTimeClass CtMethod.getReturnType()
          Obtains the type of the returned value.
 CompileTimeClass CompileTimeClass.getSuperclass()
          Obtains the class object representing the superclass of the class.
 CompileTimeClass CtField.getType()
          Returns the type of the field.
 ClassPath ClassPool.insertClassPath(java.lang.String pathname)
          Inserts a directory or a jar (or zip) file affineTransform the head of the search path.
 void Translator.onWrite(ClassPool pool, java.lang.String classname)
          Is invoked by a ClassPool for notifying that a class is written out to an output stream. ClassPath.openClassfile(java.lang.String classname)
          Opens a class file.
 void CtBehavior.setExceptionTypes(CompileTimeClass[] types)
          Sets exceptions that this member may throw.
 void CtConstructor.setExceptionTypes(CompileTimeClass[] types)
          Sets exceptions that this constructor may throw.
 void CtMethod.setExceptionTypes(CompileTimeClass[] types)
          Sets exceptions that this method may throw.
static void SerialVersionUID.setSerialVersionUID(CompileTimeClass clazz)
          Adds serialVersionUID if one does not already exist.
 void Translator.start(ClassPool pool)
          Is invoked by a ClassPool for initialization when the object is attached to a ClassPool object.
 boolean CompileTimeClass.subtypeOf(CompileTimeClass clazz)
          Returns true if this class extends or implements clazz.
 byte[] CompileTimeClass.toBytecode()
          Converts this class to a class file.
 java.lang.Class CompileTimeClass.toClass()
          Converts this class to a java.lang.Class object.
 byte[] ClassPool.write(java.lang.String classname)
          Returns a byte array representing the class file.
 void ClassPool.write(java.lang.String classname, out)
          Writes a class file specified by classname to a given output stream.
 java.lang.Class ClassPool.writeAsClass(java.lang.String classname)
          Returns a java.lang.Class object.
 void CompileTimeClass.writeFile()
          Writes a class file represented by this CtClass object in the current directory.
 void ClassPool.writeFile(java.lang.String classname)
          Writes a class file specified with classname in the current directory.
 void ClassPool.writeFile(java.lang.String classname, java.lang.String directoryName)
          Writes a class file specified with classname on a local disk.

Constructors in classUtils.javassist with parameters of type NotFoundException
CannotCompileException(NotFoundException e)
          Constructs a CannotCompileException with a NotFoundException.

Uses of NotFoundException in classUtils.javassist.bytecode

Methods in classUtils.javassist.bytecode that throw NotFoundException
static CompileTimeClass[] Descriptor.getParameterTypes(java.lang.String desc, ClassPool cp)
          Returns the CtClass objects representing the parameter types specified by the given descriptor.
static CompileTimeClass Descriptor.getReturnType(java.lang.String desc, ClassPool cp)
          Returns the CtClass object representing the return type specified by the given descriptor.
static CompileTimeClass Descriptor.toCtClass(java.lang.String desc, ClassPool cp)
          Returns a CtClass object representing the type specified by the given descriptor.

Uses of NotFoundException in classUtils.javassist.convert

Constructors in classUtils.javassist.convert that throw NotFoundException
TransformAfter(Transformer next, CtMethod origMethod, CtMethod afterMethod)
TransformBefore(Transformer next, CtMethod origMethod, CtMethod beforeMethod)

Uses of NotFoundException in classUtils.javassist.expr

Methods in classUtils.javassist.expr that throw NotFoundException
 CtConstructor NewExpr.getConstructor()
          Returns the constructor called for creating the object.
 CtField FieldAccess.getField()
          Returns the field accessed by this expression.
 CtMethod MethodCall.getMethod()
          Returns the called method.
 CompileTimeClass Instanceof.getType()
          Returns the CtClass object representing the type name on the right hand side of the instanceof operator.
 CompileTimeClass Handler.getType()
          Returns the type handled by the catch clause.
 CompileTimeClass Cast.getType()
          Returns the CtClass object representing the type specified by the cast.

Uses of NotFoundException in classUtils.javassist.reflect

Methods in classUtils.javassist.reflect that throw NotFoundException
 boolean Reflection.makeReflective(java.lang.Class clazz, java.lang.Class metaobject, java.lang.Class metaclass)
          Produces a reflective class.
 boolean Reflection.makeReflective(CompileTimeClass clazz, CompileTimeClass metaobject, CompileTimeClass metaclass)
          Produces a reflective class.
 boolean Reflection.makeReflective(java.lang.String classname, java.lang.String metaobject, java.lang.String metaclass)
          Produces a reflective class.
 boolean Loader.makeReflective(java.lang.String clazz, java.lang.String metaobject, java.lang.String metaclass)
          Produces a reflective class.
 void Reflection.onWrite(ClassPool pool, java.lang.String classname)
          Inserts hooks for intercepting accesses to the fields declared in reflective classes.
 void Reflection.start(ClassPool pool)

Uses of NotFoundException in classUtils.javassist.rmi

Methods in classUtils.javassist.rmi that throw NotFoundException
 boolean StubGenerator.makeProxyClass(java.lang.Class clazz)
          Makes a proxy class.
 void StubGenerator.start(ClassPool pool)
          Is a method declared in javassist.Translator.

Constructors in classUtils.javassist.rmi that throw NotFoundException
AppletServer(int port)
          Constructs a web server.
AppletServer(int port, ClassPool src)
          Constructs a web server.
AppletServer(java.lang.String port)
          Constructs a web server.

Uses of NotFoundException in classUtils.javassist.sample.evolve

Methods in classUtils.javassist.sample.evolve that throw NotFoundException
 void Evolution.makeUpdatable(java.lang.String classname)
 void Evolution.onWrite(ClassPool _pool, java.lang.String classname)
 void Evolution.start(ClassPool _pool)

Uses of NotFoundException in classUtils.javassist.sample.rmi

Methods in classUtils.javassist.sample.rmi that throw NotFoundException
static void Counter.main(java.lang.String[] args)

Uses of NotFoundException in classUtils.javassist.sample.vector

Methods in classUtils.javassist.sample.vector that throw NotFoundException
 CompileTimeClass VectorAssistant.makeSubclass(ClassPool pool, CompileTimeClass type)
          Produces a new vector class.
 CompileTimeClass VectorAssistant.makeSubclass2(ClassPool pool, CompileTimeClass type)
          Produces a new vector class.

Uses of NotFoundException in classUtils.putils

Methods in classUtils.putils that throw NotFoundException
static java.lang.Class ClassPathUtils.getClass( f1)
          This will allow the user to adjust the class path until a class loads.
static java.lang.Class ClassPathUtils.getClassFromFile()
static void ClassPathUtils.testGetClass()