Uses of Class

Packages that use ConstPool
classUtils.javassist.bytecode Bytecode-level API. 

Uses of ConstPool in classUtils.javassist.bytecode

Methods in classUtils.javassist.bytecode that return ConstPool
 ConstPool JAClassFile.getConstPool()
          Returns a constant pool table.
 ConstPool FieldInfo.getConstPool()
          Returns the constant pool table used by this field_info.
 ConstPool Bytecode.getConstPool()
          Gets a constant pool table.
 ConstPool AttributeInfo.getConstPool()
          Returns a constant pool table.
 ConstPool MethodInfo.getConstPool()
          Returns a constant pool table used by this method.

Methods in classUtils.javassist.bytecode with parameters of type ConstPool
 AttributeInfo SyntheticAttribute.copy(ConstPool newCp, java.util.Map classnames)
          Makes a copy.
 AttributeInfo SourceFileAttribute.copy(ConstPool newCp, java.util.Map classnames)
          Makes a copy.
 AttributeInfo ConstantAttribute.copy(ConstPool newCp, java.util.Map classnames)
          Makes a copy.
 AttributeInfo LineNumberAttribute.copy(ConstPool newCp, java.util.Map classnames)
          Makes a copy.
 ExceptionTable ExceptionTable.copy(ConstPool newCp, java.util.Map classnames)
          Makes a copy of this exception_table[].
 AttributeInfo AttributeInfo.copy(ConstPool newCp, java.util.Map classnames)
          Makes a copy.
 AttributeInfo ExceptionsAttribute.copy(ConstPool newCp, java.util.Map classnames)
          Makes a copy.
 AttributeInfo InnerClassesAttribute.copy(ConstPool newCp, java.util.Map classnames)
          Makes a copy.
 AttributeInfo CodeAttribute.copy(ConstPool newCp, java.util.Map classnames)
          Makes a copy.
 int ConstPool.copy(int n, ConstPool dest, java.util.Map classnames)
          Copies the n-th item in this ConstPool object into the destination ConstPool object.

Constructors in classUtils.javassist.bytecode with parameters of type ConstPool
AttributeInfo(ConstPool cp, java.lang.String attrname, byte[] attrinfo)
          Constructs an attribute_info structure.
Bytecode(ConstPool cp, int stacksize, int localvars)
          Constructs a Bytecode object with an empty bytecode sequence.
CodeAttribute(ConstPool cp, int stack, int locals, byte[] code, ExceptionTable etable)
          Constructs a Code_attribute.
ConstantAttribute(ConstPool cp, int index)
          Constructs a ConstantValue attribute.
ExceptionsAttribute(ConstPool cp)
          Constructs a new exceptions attribute.
ExceptionTable(ConstPool cp)
          Constructs an exception_table[].
FieldInfo(ConstPool cp, java.lang.String fieldName, java.lang.String desc)
          Constructs a field_info structure.
MethodInfo(ConstPool cp, java.lang.String methodname, MethodInfo src, java.util.Map classnameMap)
          Constructs a copy of method_info structure.
MethodInfo(ConstPool cp, java.lang.String methodname, java.lang.String desc)
          Constructs a method_info structure.
SourceFileAttribute(ConstPool cp, java.lang.String filename)
          Constructs a SourceFile attribute.
SyntheticAttribute(ConstPool cp)
          Constructs a Synthetic attribute.

Uses of ConstPool in classUtils.javassist.convert

Methods in classUtils.javassist.convert with parameters of type ConstPool
 void TransformNew.initialize(ConstPool cp, CodeAttribute attr)
 void TransformCall.initialize(ConstPool cp, CodeAttribute attr)
 void Transformer.initialize(ConstPool cp, CodeAttribute attr)
 void TransformBefore.initialize(ConstPool cp, CodeAttribute attr)
 void TransformFieldAccess.initialize(ConstPool cp, CodeAttribute attr)
 int TransformNew.transform(CompileTimeClass clazz, int pos, CodeIterator iterator, ConstPool cp)
          Replace a sequence of NEW classname DUP ...
 int TransformCall.transform(CompileTimeClass clazz, int pos, CodeIterator iterator, ConstPool cp)
          Modify INVOKEINTERFACE, INVOKESPECIAL, INVOKESTATIC and INVOKEVIRTUAL so that a different method is invoked.
abstract  int Transformer.transform(CompileTimeClass clazz, int pos, CodeIterator it, ConstPool cp)
 int TransformReadField.transform(CompileTimeClass tclazz, int pos, CodeIterator iterator, ConstPool cp)
 int TransformWriteField.transform(CompileTimeClass tclazz, int pos, CodeIterator iterator, ConstPool cp)
 int TransformFieldAccess.transform(CompileTimeClass clazz, int pos, CodeIterator iterator, ConstPool cp)
          Modify GETFIELD, GETSTATIC, PUTFIELD, and PUTSTATIC so that a different field is accessed.