Uses of Class

Packages that use ConstantPoolInfo

Uses of ConstantPoolInfo in classUtils.dumper

Methods in classUtils.dumper that return ConstantPoolInfo
 ConstantPoolInfo ClassFile.getConstantPoolItem(short index)
          Return a constant pool item from this class.
 ConstantPoolInfo ClassFile.getConstantRef(short index)
 ConstantPoolInfo ConstantPoolInfo.inPool(ConstantPoolInfo[] pool)
          Returns the reference to the constant pool item that is already in pool, that matches this one.

Methods in classUtils.dumper with parameters of type ConstantPoolInfo
 short ClassFile.addConstantPoolItem(ConstantPoolInfo item)
          Add a single constant pool item and return its index.
 void ClassFile.addConstantPoolItems(ConstantPoolInfo[] items)
          Add some items to the constant pool.
static short ConstantPoolInfo.indexOf(ConstantPoolInfo item, ConstantPoolInfo[] pool)
static short ConstantPoolInfo.indexOf(ConstantPoolInfo item, ConstantPoolInfo[] pool)
 ConstantPoolInfo ConstantPoolInfo.inPool(ConstantPoolInfo[] pool)
          Returns the reference to the constant pool item that is already in pool, that matches this one.
 boolean ConstantPoolInfo.isEqual(ConstantPoolInfo cp)
          Returns true if these constant pool items are identical.
 boolean di, ConstantPoolInfo[] pool)
 boolean di, ConstantPoolInfo[] pool)
 boolean di, ConstantPoolInfo[] pool)
          Read a method_info from the data stream.
 java.lang.String AttributeInfo.toBoolean(ConstantPoolInfo[] pool)
 java.lang.String FieldInfo.toString(ConstantPoolInfo[] pool)
 java.lang.String AttributeInfo.toString(ConstantPoolInfo[] pool)
 void FieldInfo.write( dos, ConstantPoolInfo[] pool)
 void AttributeInfo.write( dos, ConstantPoolInfo[] pool)
 void ConstantPoolInfo.write( dos, ConstantPoolInfo[] pool)
 void MethodInfo.write( dos, ConstantPoolInfo[] pool)
          Write out a method_info, do constant table fixups on the write.

Constructors in classUtils.dumper with parameters of type ConstantPoolInfo
AttributeInfo(ConstantPoolInfo newName, byte[] newData)