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1. A 4-bit Johnson counter advances through the sequence D C B A = 0000,1000,0100,0010,0001,0011,0111,1111, and repeats. Show how to implement the Johnson counter using D flip-flops. Fill-in the Remapped FF inputs and K-maps, and show a schematic for the minimized sum of pruducts implementation of the Next State function in the box next to the flip-flops. You may assume that an external reset signal places the counter in state 0000 when asserted. DO NOT make the counter self-starting.

a) Draw the state-transition diagram next to the remapped FF table below. (10 points)

b) Write the next-state table (10 points) and the remapped FF inputs (10 points).

c) in the k-maps below, number the k-maps and fill them out with the remapped FF-inputs. (10 points)

d) Loop the k-maps and write the minimum sum-of-products form in the space provided. (10 points)

e) Draw the circuit using AND gates and OR gates which implements the logic shown in your k-maps. (10 points)

2. The basic functionality of a D flip-flop can be implemented by a J-K flip-flop by connecting the input signal D to the J-K flip-flop's J input and D' to the K input. Show that this is true by comparing the characteristic equations for a D flip-flop and a J-K flip-flop. (10 points)

3. Given the following circuit diagram, complete the waveform diagram (20 points)