Computer Architecture

Course Number: CS322


1999 Catalog Data: Theory of logic design: gates, timing diagrams, truth tables, design of basic arithmetic operations, control mechanisms. The general properties of major hardware components (CPU, ALU, memory, IO devices) and communication between them (buses, interrupts). Survey of actual computer systems.

Prerequisite: CS221

Textbook: Contemporary Logic Design by Randy H. Katz, The Benjamin/Cummings Publishing Co., Inc., First Edition, ©1994.

References: TTL Data Book, LogicWorks

Coordinator: Douglas Lyon, Professor of Computer Systems Engineering.

Phone (203)254-4147

Fax (203)877-4187

E-mail: (the best!!)


Office Hours: M,TU 5:00-6:30,or by Appt.

Computer Usage:

Goals: To introduce principles of computer organization and logic design with sufficient breadth and depth to allow analysis and design of computer circuits.

Course Notes: Available at

When: Monday, 6:30-8:30 pm,

Where: Berchmans, Room 207

Who: Prof. Lyon



Grading Policy:

Homework 33.33% Weekly hw's are typical
Midterm 33.33% 10/25/99
Final 33.33% 12/20/99
total 100%

Assignments will be due at the beginning of class. Assignments handed in after the beginning of class will loose 5 points. Assignments handed in after the end of class will lose 10 points. Late homeworks lose 10 points per day late, weeks ends and holidays included. Missed tests result in a zero unless a written excuse is presented.
