
1    package sound; 
4    /** 
5     * Created by IntelliJ IDEA. 
6     * User: dlyon 
7     * Date: Nov 10, 2003 
8     * Time: 6:46:12 PM 
9     * To change this template use Options | File Templates. 
10    */ 
12   public class Voice { 
13       private double harmonic[] = { 
14           // 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 harmonics 
15           // range from 0..1, each 
16           1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1 
17       }; 
19       public Voice(double _frequency) { 
20           frequency = _frequency; 
21       } 
23       private double frequency = 440; 
25       public double getFrequency() { 
26           return frequency; 
27       } 
29       public void setFrequency(double _d) { 
30           frequency = _d; 
31       } 
33       /** 
34        * setHamonic is called every time a new 
35        * voice is instanced, or the default squarewave 
36        * will be played. 
37        * @param _d 
38        */ 
39       public void setHarmonic(double _d[]) { 
40           harmonic = _d; 
41       } 
43       public double[] mult(double d[], double a) { 
44           double c[] = new double[d.length]; 
45           for (int i = 0; i < d.length; i++) 
46               c[i] = d[i] * a; 
47           return c; 
48       } 
50       public double[] add(double a[], double b[]) { 
51           double c[] = new double[a.length]; 
52           for (int i = 0; i < a.length; i++) 
53               c[i] = a[i] + b[i]; 
54           return c; 
55       } 
57       /** 
58        * This gives us all 7 harmonics together. 
59        * @return 
60        */ 
61       public double[] getVoicedWave() { 
62           double h1[] = getVoicedWave(1); 
63           for (int i = 2; i < 8; i++) 
64               h1 = add(getVoicedWave(i), h1); 
65           return h1; 
66       } 
68       /** 
69        * Get the double precision voice where i is the 
70        * harmonic number, starting at 1 and ending at 7. 
71        * @param i 
72        * @return 
73        */ 
74       public double[] getVoicedWave(int i) { 
75           int numberOfSamples = 16000; 
76           if (i < 1 || i > 7) 
77               System.out.println("i is out range! i=" + i); 
78           Oscillator o = new Oscillator(i * frequency, numberOfSamples); 
79           return mult(o.getSineWave(), harmonic[i - 1]); 
80       } 
82       public void play() { 
83           UlawCodec ulc = new UlawCodec(getVoicedWave()); 
84           ulc.play(); 
85       } 
87       public static void main(String args[]) { 
88           Voice v = new Voice(440); 
89           v.play(); 
90       } 
91   }