
1    package j3d.cr325; 
3    import j3d.Utils; 
4    import utils.SystemUtils; 
6    import javax.media.j3d.*; 
7    import javax.vecmath.Matrix3d; 
8    import javax.vecmath.Vector3d; 
10   /** 
11    * DocJava, Inc. 
12    * http://www.docjava.com 
13    * Programmer: dlyon 
14    * Date: Mar 10, 2004 
15    * Time: 4:36:29 PM 
16    */ 
17   public class Target { 
18       /** 
19        * Switch that is used to swap the target models 
20        */ 
21       private static Switch targetSwitch = getTargetSwitch(); 
23       public static Switch getTargetSwitch() { 
24           if (targetSwitch != null) return targetSwitch; 
25           Switch s = new Switch(0); 
26           s.setCapability(Switch.ALLOW_SWITCH_WRITE); 
27           return s; 
28       } 
30       public static BranchGroup getTargetGroup() { 
31             BranchGroup theTarget = new BranchGroup(); 
32             Switch s = getTargetSwitch(); 
33             TransformGroup targetRotationTransformGroup = new TransformGroup(); 
34             Transform3D targetRotationTransform = new Transform3D(); 
35             Matrix3d targetRotationMatrix = new Matrix3d(); 
36             targetRotationMatrix.rotY(Math.PI / 2); 
37             targetRotationTransform.set( 
38                     targetRotationMatrix, 
39                     new Vector3d(0.0, 0.0, -30.0), 1.0); 
40             targetRotationTransformGroup.setTransform(targetRotationTransform); 
41             targetRotationTransformGroup.addChild(s); 
42           String fileSep = SystemUtils.getDirectorySeparator(); 
43           String fileName = "gifs"+fileSep+"animation1.gif"; 
44           s.addChild( 
45                     Utils.getTextureSphere(1,0,0.5,fileName) 
46             ); 
47           String fileName1 = "color"+fileSep+"airplane.JPEG"; 
48           s.addChild( 
49                     Utils.getTextureSphere(1,0,0.5,fileName1) 
50             ); 
52             TransformGroup targetMotionTransformGroup = new TransformGroup(); 
53             targetMotionTransformGroup.setCapability( 
54                     TransformGroup.ALLOW_TRANSFORM_READ); 
55             targetMotionTransformGroup.setCapability( 
56                     TransformGroup.ALLOW_TRANSFORM_WRITE); 
57             targetMotionTransformGroup.addChild( 
58                     targetRotationTransformGroup); 
59             Alpha a = new Alpha(-1, 0, 0, 3000, 0, 0); 
61             Utils.addMotion( a, targetMotionTransformGroup, theTarget); 
62             return theTarget; 
63         } 
64   }