
1    // savepict.java 
2    // d.g.gilbert, 1997 
4    package graphics.dclap; 
6    // pack edu.indiana.bio.graphics.dclap; 
9    import java.applet.Applet; 
10   import java.awt.*; 
11   import java.io.FileOutputStream; 
12   import java.io.IOException; 
13   import java.io.OutputStream; 
14   import java.io.PrintStream; 
17   public class SavePICT { 
18       Applet app = null; 
20       public SavePICT() { 
21       } 
23       public SavePICT(Applet app) { 
24           this.app = app; 
25       } 
27       protected void showStatus(String msg) { 
28           if (app == null) 
29               System.out.println(msg); 
30           else 
31               app.showStatus(msg); 
32       } 
35       public boolean saveToFile(PrintStream ps, String data) { 
36           boolean okay = false; 
37           try { 
38               ps.print(data); 
39               ps.close(); 
40               showStatus("Printing Complete."); 
41               okay = true; 
42           } catch (Throwable t) { 
43               showStatus("Error while saving file."); 
44               System.out.println(t); 
45           } 
46           return okay; 
47       } 
49       public void saveAsPict(Component theView, OutputStream os) { 
50           Gr2PICT pict = new Gr2PICT(os, theView.getGraphics()); 
51           theView.paintAll(pict); 
52           paintInside(theView, pict); 
53           pict.finalize(); // make sure pict end is written 
54       } 
56       /** 
57        toFile - saves any Frame to a pict file. 
58        @author Douglas Lyon 
59        @date 1/7/99 
60        @version Kahindu 2.5 
61        */ 
62       public static void toFile(Frame f) { 
63           FileDialog fd = new FileDialog(f, 
64                   "Enter a pict file name", FileDialog.SAVE); 
65           fd.show(); 
66           fd.setVisible(false); 
67           String fn = fd.getDirectory() + fd.getFile(); 
68           //if usr canceled, return 
69           if (fd.getFile() == null) return; 
70           try { 
71               FileOutputStream fos = 
72                       new FileOutputStream(fn); 
73               Component c = f; 
74               SavePICT p = new SavePICT(); 
75               p.saveAsPict(c, (OutputStream) fos); 
76               fos.close(); 
78           } catch (IOException e) { 
79               System.out.println(e); 
80           } 
81       } 
84       protected void paintInside(Component comp, Gr2PICT g) { 
85           Point p = comp.getLocation(); 
87           // set the origin for this component 
88           g.translate(p.x, p.y); 
90           // now draw this component's children inside its coordinate system 
91           if (comp instanceof Container) { 
92               Component[] comps = ((Container) comp).getComponents(); 
93               for (int i = 0; i < comps.length; i++) 
94                   paintInside(comps[i], g); 
95           } else 
96               updateComponent(comp, g); 
98           // restore the coordinate system 
99           g.translate(-p.x, -p.y); 
100      } 
103      protected void updateComponent(Component c, Graphics g) { 
104          // draw a few special types of Component 
105          Rectangle b = c.getBounds(); 
106          int halfheight = b.height / 2; 
107          Color backc = c.getBackground(); // Color.white 
108          Color forec = c.getForeground(); // Color.black; 
110          if (c instanceof Button) { 
111              if (c.getFont() != null) g.setFont(c.getFont()); 
112              g.setColor(backc); 
113              g.fillRoundRect(0, 0, b.width, b.height, 12, 12); 
114              g.setColor(forec); 
115              g.drawRoundRect(0, 0, b.width, b.height, 12, 12); 
116              String labs = ((Button) c).getLabel(); 
117              int x = (b.width - g.getFontMetrics().stringWidth(labs)) / 2; 
118              g.drawString(labs, x, halfheight + 3); 
119          } else if (c instanceof Checkbox) { 
120              Checkbox cbx = (Checkbox) c; 
121              int cwide = 12; 
122              int cwide2 = cwide / 2; 
123              int cwide3 = (cwide - cwide2) / 2; 
124              int x = 3, y = 3; 
125              if (c.getFont() != null) g.setFont(c.getFont()); 
127              if (cbx.getCheckboxGroup() != null) { 
128                  // radio button 
129                  g.setColor(backc); 
130                  g.fillOval(x, y, cwide, cwide); 
131                  g.setColor(forec); 
132                  g.drawOval(x, y, cwide, cwide); 
133                  if (cbx.getState()) g.fillOval(x + cwide3, y + cwide3, cwide2, cwide2); 
134              } else { 
135                  // checkbox 
136                  g.setColor(backc); 
137                  g.fillRect(x, y, cwide, cwide); 
138                  g.setColor(forec); 
139                  g.drawRect(x, y, cwide, cwide); 
140                  if (cbx.getState()) { 
141                      g.drawLine(x, y, x + cwide - 1, y + cwide - 1); 
142                      g.drawLine(x + cwide - 1, y, x, y + cwide - 1); 
143                  } 
144              } 
145              x += cwide + 2; 
146              g.drawString(cbx.getLabel(), x + 2, halfheight + 3); 
147          } else if (c instanceof Choice) { 
148              if (c.getFont() != null) g.setFont(c.getFont()); 
149              g.setColor(Color.black); 
150              g.fillRect(3, 3, b.width - 4, b.height - 4); 
151              g.setColor(Color.white); 
152              g.fillRect(0, 0, b.width - 2, b.height - 2); 
153              g.setColor(forec); 
154              g.drawRect(0, 0, b.width - 2, b.height - 2); 
156              // drop arrow 
157              int[] xp = {b.width - 16, b.width - 6, b.width - 11, b.width - 16}; 
158              int[] yp = {halfheight - 3, halfheight - 3, halfheight + 2, halfheight - 3}; 
159              g.fillPolygon(xp, yp, 4); 
161              g.drawString(((Choice) c).getSelectedItem(), 4, halfheight + 3); 
162          } else if (c instanceof Label) { 
163              if (c.getFont() != null) g.setFont(c.getFont()); 
164              g.setColor(forec); 
165              g.drawString(((Label) c).getText(), 2, halfheight + 3); 
166          } else if (c instanceof TextComponent) { 
167              if (c.getFont() != null) g.setFont(c.getFont()); 
168              g.setColor(backc); 
169              g.fillRect(0, 0, b.width, b.height); 
170              g.setColor(forec); 
171              g.drawRect(0, 0, b.width, b.height); 
172              g.drawString(((TextComponent) c).getText().trim(), 2, halfheight + 3); 
173          } else { 
174              // let it draw itself 
175              c.update(g); 
176          } 
177      } 
179  }