
1    package futils; 
3    import java.io.File; 
4    import java.io.FilenameFilter; 
6    public class WildFilter implements FilenameFilter { 
7        private String suffix = null; 
8        private String prefix = null; 
9        private String midfix = null; 
11       /** 
12        * Accept only those <code>File</code> instances that 
13        * are of type file (i.e. not directory) and end with the 
14        * suffix 
15        * 
16        * @param suffix a string that all file names must end with. 
17        */ 
18       public WildFilter(String suffix) { 
19           this.suffix = suffix; 
20       } 
22       /** 
23        * Accept from the interface <code>FilenameFilter</code> will return 
24        * true if the file name begins with the prefix and ends with the 
25        * suffix. 
26        * <p/> 
27        * Like: 
28        * <br> 
29        * dir f*.java 
30        * <br> 
31        * This returns only those files that start with "f" and end with ".java" 
32        * 
33        * @param prefix string passed in to describe the file names beginning 
34        * @param suffix ending part of the file name. 
35        */ 
36       public WildFilter(String prefix, String suffix) { 
37           this.suffix = suffix; 
38           this.prefix = prefix; 
39       } 
41       /** 
42        * Accept from the interface <code>FilenameFilter</code> will return 
43        * true if the file name begins with the prefix and ends with the 
44        * suffix. 
45        * <p/> 
46        * Like: 
47        * <br> 
48        * dir f*.java 
49        * <br> 
50        * This returns only those files that start with "f" and end with ".java" 
51        * The midfix has to be contained in the filename in order for this to return true; 
52        * 
53        * @param prefix string passed in to describe the file names beginning 
54        * @param suffix ending part of the file name. 
55        * @param midfix contained in the file name. 
56        */ 
57       public WildFilter(String prefix, String midfix, String suffix) { 
58           this.suffix = suffix; 
59           this.prefix = prefix; 
60           this.midfix = midfix; 
61       } 
63       public boolean accept(File dir, String name) { 
64           if (prefix == null) return name.endsWith(suffix); 
65           if (suffix == null) return name.startsWith(prefix); 
66           if (midfix == null) return name.endsWith(suffix) && name.startsWith(prefix); 
67           return name.endsWith(suffix) && name.startsWith(prefix) && 
68                   (name.indexOf(midfix) != -1); 
69       } 
70   } 