
1    package bookExamples.ch15Streams; 
3    import gui.In; 
4    import futils.Futil; 
6    import java.io.BufferedInputStream; 
7    import java.io.File; 
8    import java.io.FileInputStream; 
9    import java.io.FileNotFoundException; 
10   import java.io.IOException; 
11   import java.util.Enumeration; 
12   import java.util.Hashtable; 
13   import java.util.Vector; 
14   import java.util.zip.ZipEntry; 
15   import java.util.zip.ZipFile; 
16   import java.util.zip.ZipInputStream; 
19   /** 
20    * JarResources: JarResources maps all resources included in a 
21    * Zip or Jar file. Additionaly, it provides a method to extract one 
22    * as a blob. 
23    */ 
24   public final class Unzipper { 
26       // external debug flag 
27       public boolean debugOn = false; 
29       // jar resource mapping tables 
30       private Hashtable htSizes = new Hashtable(); 
31       private Hashtable htJarContents = new Hashtable(); 
32       private Vector nameVector = new Vector(); 
34       private String fileName; 
36       public String[] getNames() { 
37           String s[] = new String[nameVector.size()]; 
38           nameVector.copyInto(s); 
39           return s; 
40       } 
42       /** 
43        * creates a JarResources. It extracts all resources from a Jar 
44        * into an internal hashtable, keyed by resource names. 
45        * 
46        * @param jarFileName a jar or zip file 
47        */ 
48       public Unzipper(String jarFileName) { 
49           this.fileName = jarFileName; 
50           init(); 
51       } 
53       /** 
54        * Extracts a jar resource as a blob. 
55        * 
56        * @param name a resource name. 
57        */ 
58       public byte[] getBlob(String name) { 
59           return (byte[]) htJarContents.get(name); 
60       } 
62       /** 
63        * initializes internal hash tables with Jar file resources. 
64        */ 
65       private void init() { 
66           try { 
67               // extracts just sizes only. 
68               ZipFile zf = new ZipFile(fileName); 
69               Enumeration e = zf.entries(); 
70               while (e.hasMoreElements()) { 
71                   ZipEntry ze = (ZipEntry) e.nextElement(); 
72                   String name = ze.getName(); 
73                   nameVector.addElement(name); 
74                   if (debugOn) { 
75                       System.out.println(dumpZipEntry(ze)); 
76                   } 
78                   htSizes.put(name, new Integer((int) ze.getSize())); 
79               } 
80               zf.close(); 
82               // extract resources and put them into the hashtable. 
83               FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(fileName); 
84               BufferedInputStream bis = new BufferedInputStream(fis); 
85               ZipInputStream zis = new ZipInputStream(bis); 
86               ZipEntry ze = null; 
87               while ((ze = zis.getNextEntry()) != null) { 
88                   if (ze.isDirectory()) { 
89                       continue; 
90                   } 
91                   if (debugOn) { 
92                       System.out.println("ze.getName()=" + ze.getName() + "," + "getSize()=" + ze.getSize()); 
93                   } 
94                   int size = (int) ze.getSize(); 
95                   // -1 means unknown size. 
96                   if (size == -1) { 
97                       size = ((Integer) htSizes.get(ze.getName())).intValue(); 
98                   } 
99                   byte[] b = new byte[(int) size]; 
100                  int rb = 0; 
101                  int chunk = 0; 
102                  while (((int) size - rb) > 0) { 
103                      chunk = zis.read(b, rb, (int) size - rb); 
104                      if (chunk == -1) { 
105                          break; 
106                      } 
107                      rb += chunk; 
108                  } 
109                  // add to internal resource hashtable 
110                  htJarContents.put(ze.getName(), b); 
111                  if (debugOn) { 
112                      System.out.println(ze.getName() + "  rb=" + rb + 
113                              ",size=" + size + 
114                              ",csize=" + ze.getCompressedSize()); 
115                  } 
116              } 
117          } catch (NullPointerException e) { 
118              System.out.println("done."); 
119          } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { 
120              e.printStackTrace(); 
121          } catch (IOException e) { 
122              e.printStackTrace(); 
123          } 
124      } 
126      /** 
127       * Dumps a zip entry into a string. 
128       * 
129       * @param ze a ZipEntry 
130       */ 
131      private String dumpZipEntry(ZipEntry ze) { 
132          StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); 
133          if (ze.isDirectory()) { 
134              sb.append("d "); 
135          } else { 
136              sb.append("f "); 
137          } 
138          if (ze.getMethod() == ZipEntry.STORED) { 
139              sb.append("stored   "); 
140          } else { 
141              sb.append("defalted "); 
142          } 
143          sb.append(ze.getName()); 
144          sb.append("\t"); 
145          sb.append("" + ze.getSize()); 
146          if (ze.getMethod() == ZipEntry.DEFLATED) { 
147              sb.append("/" + ze.getCompressedSize()); 
148          } 
149          return (sb.toString()); 
150      } 
152      /** 
153       * Is a test driver. Given a jar file and a resource name, it trys to 
154       * extract the resource and then tells us whether it could or not. 
155       * <p/> 
156       * <strong>Example</strong> 
157       * Let's say you have a JAR file which jarred up a bunch of gif image 
158       * files. Now, by using JarResources, you could extract, create, and display 
159       * those images on-the-fly. 
160       * <pre> 
161       *     ... 
162       *     JarResources JR=new JarResources("GifBundle.jar"); 
163       *     Image image=Toolkit.createImage(JR.getResource("logo.gif"); 
164       *     Image logo=Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().createImage( 
165       *                   JR.getResources("logo.gif") 
166       *                   ); 
167       *     ... 
168       * </pre> 
169       */ 
170      public static void main(String[] args) { 
171          getResourceByName(); 
172          //Hw1Start(); 
173      } 
175      private static void getResourceByName() { 
176          Futil.setSwing(false); 
177          File f = futils.Futil.getReadFile("select a jar or zip file"); 
178          String absolutePath = f.getAbsolutePath(); 
179          Unzipper uz = new Unzipper(absolutePath); 
180          String names[] = uz.getNames(); 
181          while (true) { 
182              String resource = (String) 
183                      In.multiPrompt(names, "select a resource", "resource selection dialog"); 
184              if (resource == null) System.exit(0); 
185              printResourceInfo(uz, resource); 
186          } 
187      } 
189      private static void printResourceInfo(Unzipper uz, String resource) { 
190          byte[] buff = uz.getBlob(resource); 
191          if (buff == null) { 
192              System.out.println("Could not find " + resource + "."); 
193          } else { 
194              System.out.println("Found " + resource + " (length=" + buff.length + ")."); 
195          } 
196      } 
198  }   // End of JarResources class.