CS411X - Lecture 13


Lecture Topic:

This way, the Applet Frame need not concentrate on closing event as the parent frame

Closable Frame handles the Window destroy event. This is infact a neet idea.

Bugs in JDK 1.02

Save as

    FileDialog fd = new FileDialog(this ,"save as...", fileDialog.SAVE);
        fd.show( );
        String fn = fd.getFile( );
        if( fn != null ){
            if( fn.endswith(" *.* ")){
                  fn = fn.substring( 0, fn.length( ) - 4 );
                  String fqn = fd.getDirectory( ) + fn;

The above bug mentioned, is when a file is saved , it automatically

brings up *.* extension, with the file thereby resulting in a undefined

behaviour. This bug , we suppose is corrected in JDK 1.1

Parsing BTree

Finite state machine diagram is a directed graph ( diagraph )

An example class state can be defined as follows
class state{
      boolean flag = false;
      state left_child;
      state right_child;
      add_child_L(state S){
            left_child = S;
      add_child_R(state S){
            right_child = S;
      Array of states Ps[i]
      state stateArray[ ] = new state[10];
An alternative definition of state class 
      class state{
            int LNext_state;
            int RNext_state;
            int x = getint( );
            int S = 0;
            S = stateArray[S].getNextsState(x);
            getNextState(int x){
                  if( x == 0 )
                       return LNext_state;
                       return RNext_state;

Priority Queue ADT

Sample Quiz

1. Methods in an interface are declared to be


UBLOGOLast Update: 04/09/97
Copyright © 1997- Douglas Lyon