Annotated Bibliography

by Douglas Lyon,

Audio coverage

In the 26 books which I have reviewed and listed in my Bibliography below, none addresses the central issue of decoding and encoding audio streams. This mean that the only thing a reader can do with the information in the books reviewed is play audio to the speaker.

They cannot: Synthesize their owns sounds, Process existing, write sounds to a file, read and display sounds.

[Linden] is the only exception. He does not decode the audiostream. He does reverse it to permit the reversing of an audio clip. I have contacted Peter van der Linden. He did not know of sun's plans for the future of audio in java. Peter works at sun. Audio does not appear to be a high-priority item for the java team. I contacted the author of the software which Peter used in his book. He indicated that the decoding of the audio could be done, but has not. I have written my own CODEC's for u-law files, in java.

[Anuff] has 7 pages on playing audio clips. This books also puts a graphic user interface for audio manipulation, letting you push a button to play the clip.

[Chan and Lee] has 5 pages on audio (2 on clips and 3 on applets). It tells you how to play audio.

[Campione and Walwalrath] has 3 pages on playing audio clips. [Cornell and Horstmann] has 4 pages on playing audio clips.

[Deitel and Deitel] has 7 pages on playing audio clips.

[Espeset ] has information which allows the reader to play sounds. It covers sound in 10 pages.

[Fraizer and Bond] has 5 pages on playing audio clips.

[Geary and McClellan] This book does not cover audio. It is a pure graphics book.

[Gosling et al.] and [Arnold and Gosling] have no mention of audio. They are pure language descriptions.

[Jackson and McClellan] and [Daconta] have nothing on sound or audio clips.

[Lea et al.] 7 pages on playing audio clips. This deal with localization of audio using VRML extensions in the VRML.node package. Unique, but very VRML oriented. [Lea] Does not mention audio. It is a pure concurrency book. [Lemay and Perkins] 3 pages on playing audio clips.

[Linden] is the only book in print which shows how to do something other than play audio files straight from disk. This book shows how to reverse and play audio. 6 pages total.

[Nagaratnam et al.] has 5 pages on playing audio clips. [Newman et al.] 5 pages on playing audio clips.

[Ritchey] has 2 pages on loading and playing sound files.

[Pew] Focus on GUI and audio. Plays audio clips using a button and with text. 12 pages (including a 2 page code example in the back of the book). [Perry] covers audio clip playing and also shows how to play random clips. 10 pages of coverage

[Tyma et al.] Two pages on playing audio clips with a paragraph in the back of the book.

[Vanderberg] has of playing audio clips. Also has introduction to digitization. 8 pages total coverage.

[Walnum] Covers playing audio clips in 5 pages. [Winston] Does not menion audio. It does have a nice picture of a sax on the cover, go figure.

[Wutka et al.] 9 pages on playing audio on demand. An interesting approach to audio clip management.


Image processing content:

No book reviewed shows how to obtain a FFT in Java. None shows how to write an image file out to disk. Some image processing functions are shown in a few of the books. Most show how to display images using the AWT.

[Chan and Lee] have an image filter example which shows how to flip an image. There are 4 pages of coverage.

[Espeset] and [Pew] have very similar coverage of the image filter class. Neither appears to have drawn on any of the traditional literature of the field. Neither takes the traditional approach of Digital Filter for imaging. Their algorithms for digital image processing appear ad-hoc and do not address low-pass filtering or any transform theory.

[Espeset] has a chapter on image processing in java. He covers blurring, wave displacement, spiral transformations, brightening, and rotation. The image warping is 2D. There are no affine transforms. There is 50 pages of coverage.

[Geary and McClellan] show how to bleach an image.

[Linden] shows how to load and draw images. He gives 27 pages of coverage.

[Nagaratnam et al.] mentions the HSB color model. This book also covers a small filter application that can invert a color map and perform a horizontal inversion.

[Pew] has 20 pages on image applets. He covers slanting, rotation (in 2 D) mirror, blurring, embossing, and wave displacement. There are no affine transformations here. Negation, scaling and croping are shown.

[Vanderburg] has 30 pages on color models and filters.


Prices are list, except where otherwise noted. $?? = price not on book.

AW = Addison Wesley

PH = Prentice Hall

  1. [Anuff] 1996. 498 pps., $29.95. "Java Sourcebook" by Ed Anuff, Wiley.
  2. [Arnold and Gosling] 1996. 333 pps., $??. "The Java Programming Language" by Ken Arnold and James Gosling. AW.
  3. [Campione and Walwalrath] 1996. 831pps, $??, "The Java Tutorial" by Campione and Walwalrath. AW. CD.
  4. [Chan and Lee] 1996. 1660 pps, $37.95 (discount price) "The Java Class Libraries", by Chan and Lee. AW. On-line materials.
  5. [Cornell and Horstmann] 1997. pps. 776. $44.95, "Core Java" Second Edition, by Gary Cornell and Cay S. Horstmann, PH. CD.
  6. [Daconta] 1996. pps. 443. $??, "Java for C/C++ Programmers", by Michael C. Daconta, Wiley. Disk.
  7. [Deitel and Deitel] 1997. 1050 pps., $??, "Java How to Program" by Deitel and Deitel. PH. On-line materials.
  8. [Espeset ] 1996. 480 pps, $39.99, "Kick Ass Java", by Tonny Espeset. CD. Coriolis Group Books.
  9. [Fraizer and Bond] 1996. pps. 383. $29.99, "Java API Reference", by Colin Fraizer and Jill Bond, New Riders.
  10. [Geary and McClellan] 1997. 600 pps., $39.95, "Graphic Java Mastering the AWT", by David M. Geary and Alan L. McClellan. PH. CD.
  11. [Gosling et al.] 1996. 825 pps. $??, "The Java Language Specification", by James Gosling, Bill Joy, Guy Steele. AW.
  12. [Jackson and McClellan] 1997. pps. 386, $34.95, "Java by Example", by Jerry R. Jackson and Alan L. McClellan, PH. CD.
  13. [Lea et al.] 1996. 399 pps. $??, "Java for 3D and VRML worlds", by Rodger Lea, Kouchi Matsuda and Ken Miyashita. New Riders. CD.
  14. [Lea] 1997. pps. 339. $??, "Concurrent Programming in Java", by Doug Lea, AW.
  15. [Lemay and Perkins] 1996. 527 pps. $39.99, "Teach Yourself Java in 21 days", by Laura Lemay and Charles L. Perkins. Sams Net. CD.
  16. [Linden] 1997. 538 pps, $34.95, "Just Java", by Peter van der Linden. PH.
  17. [Nagaratnam et al.] 1996. pps. 930, $59.99, "Java Networking and AWT API Superbible" by Nataraj Nagaratnam, Brian Maso and Arvind Srinivasan, Wait Group Press, CD.
  18. [Newman et al.] 1996. 869 pps., $49.99, "Special Edition, Using Java", by Alexander Newman and 18 others. Que. CD.
  19. [Perry] 1996. pps. 355. $29.99, "Creating Cool Web Applets with Java", by Paul J. Perry. IDG Books. CD.
  20. [Pew] 1996. 340 pps, $29.95, "Instant Java", by John A. Pew. PH.
  21. [Ritchey] 1995. pps. 389. $35, "Programming with Java!", by Tim Ritchey, New Riders. CD.
  22. [Tyma et al.] 1996. 612 pps, $39.99, "Java Primer Plus", by Paul M. Tyma, Gabriel Torok, Troy Downing. Wait Group Press. CD.
  23. [Vanderburg] 1996. 847 pps., $39.99, "Tricks of the Java Programming Gurus" by Glenn Vanderburg. Sams Net. CD.
  24. [Walnum] 1996. 549 pps. $34.99, "Java by Example", by Clayton Walnum. Que. CD.
  25. [Winston] 1996. 328 pps., $??, "On to Java", by Patrick Henry Winston and Sundar Narasimhan. AW. On-line material.
  26. [Wutka et al.] 1997. 852 pps., $59.99, "Hacking Java: The Java Professional's Resource Kit" by Mark Wutka, David Baker, David Boswell, Ken Cartwright, David Edgar Liebke, Tom Lockwood, Stephen Matsuba, George Menyhert, Eric Ries and Krishna Sankar. Que. CD.